Putney Public School

Excellence Through Endeavour

Telephone02 9807 6255 02 9807 6466


Welcome to our school

We are a dynamic and inclusive learning community.

Acknowledgement of Country

Worimi (hello), Putney Public School would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land the Wallumedegal people of the Eora nation for looking after the waterways and nura (Country). We appreciate and respect their continued connection and care for the land on which we live, learn and play. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Wallumai: the snapper fish
matta: a water place
gal: people

Our vision

At Putney Public School, together we are committed to delivering innovative, engaging, and evidence-based programs guided by data-driven practices. We foster lifelong learning and ongoing improvement for our students and staff through high expectations, collaboration and effective feedback. Our school community will continue to work together in the pursuit of excellence and high expectations for the learning growth and achievement of all students.

Our school virtual tour - Click the image below to start the tour

Upcoming events

From the department

Every day matters

From the department

Back to school webinar for parents and carers